idc data
Data Mining
英文名称:Data Mining 中文名称:数据挖掘一种数据整合的过程,指从大量的数据中发现并抽取隐含的、未知的、有潜在应用价值的数据过程,目的是为决策者提供有效的决策支持。···
empirical data
empiricaldata 经验数据Weuseempiricaldatatoextractinformationabouttheprobabilitydistributionsofthevariousparametersandsuggestasimplemodeltocomputethediscountrat···
Longitudinal Data
The process of collecting sample observations from a larger population over a given time period. Longitudinal data is used in statistical and financial studies···
Data Smoothing
The use of an algorithm to remove noise from a data set, allowing important patterns to stand out. Data smoothing can be done in a variety of different ways, i···
TD DATA全器官超微结构病理数据库研讨会圆满举办 助力新时代药效评价及脑科学研究
中国证券报记者4月24日从中关村科技园区大兴生物医药产业基地管委会获悉,“TD DATA全器官超微结构病理数据库···
Real-time Data
英文名称:Real-time Data 中文名称:实时数据同步反映市场变动的不断更新变化的数据。···
Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval - EDGAR
The electronic filing system created by the Securities and Exchange Commission for the purpose of increasing efficiency and accessibility to corporate filings.···
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